OUR MISSION: To increase the availability and affordability of housing for local workers in Kootenai County.

Jurisdictions throughout Kootenai County formed the Housing Solutions Partnership in 2020 to address housing and growth-related challenges as real estate and rental costs reached record highs in North Idaho.

Many local workers are struggling to find affordable housing. In fact, 24 out of 30 categories of local workers — including service industry workers, loan officers, teachers, physical therapists and even CEOs — can’t afford to buy a house in North Idaho. Housing inventory is low and an estimated 2,045 new housing units need to be built each year to accommodate the county’s anticipated growth through 2030.

One of the partnership’s main goals is to provide education on what is and is not possible in our area, offer solutions that work, and to educate our decision-makers, citizens and building community. Visit our Solutions ToolKit to learn more about our efforts to increase local worker housing in the Coeur d’Alene area.



Housing: Why regional approach matters

The Housing Solution Partnership is composed of representatives from all cities in Kootenai County and county officials. The housing crisis affects all who live and work within our area. It is of utmost importance that all leadership and community decision-makers are...

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Community-provided benefits for builders explained

A few facts provided by the North Idaho Building Contractors Association, the National Home Builders Association and our local professional studies show the following: • Building costs have gone up 200% in the past few years. • Nearly 70% of all jobs in the community...

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CDA City Council approves partnership funding

The Coeur d’Alene City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved reallocating $18,750 to the Panhandle Area Council for the Housing Solutions Partnership. While PAC will provide fiscal oversight, the Housing Solutions Partnership will focus on its overall mission to...

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PAC steps up for Housing Solutions Partnership

In case you missed last Wednesday’s paper, the front page carried a story about city of Coeur d’Alene funds being transferred to Panhandle Area Council for the restricted purpose of supporting the Housing Solutions Partnership. The significance of this move is in...

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Progress on housing solution education

The housing solutions partnership is just that. It is a partnership of all of the jurisdictions in Kootenai County that deal with housing and growth-related organizations. One of its main goals is to provide education on what is and is not possible in our area, and to...

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‘Shuttered projects’ could hold valuable housing clues

Much of the anxiety in the community about housing and growth issues comes from a lack of information or false beliefs about what is happening. Political rhetoric and posturing also may lead to outcomes with unintended consequences. One solution being discussed by the...

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Housing shortage by the numbers

By Kiki Miller The housing crisis isn’t only local; it’s a national issue. “If we don’t build it, they won’t come” has been floated in area conversations. What is happening in reality is they still come, but in higher income and age demographics. Even if in-migration...

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Partnership Update 4/1/24

The Housing Solutions Partnership Advisory Group met Monday, March 25, for the first time since the organization’s transition from Connect Kootenai on Housing and Growth (following the dissolution of Connect Kootenai). Kiki Miller, who has been with the organization...

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Important housing bill signed into law

The Housing Solutions Partnership has been working with a Northwest-based company that assists manufactured homeowners. Established in 2008, ROC Northwest is a program of the Northwest Cooperative Development Center serving residents of Manufactured Housing...

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